To install OXYGEN on your measurement PC, please start the installation program DEWETRON_OXY-GEN_Setup_Rx.x_x64.exe. You can find the filessoftwareOXYGEN installation software in the folder. This software is delivered with the measurement system. Install the software step by step according to the installation instructions:
Fig. 2.1: Software Installation Start Interface
Fig. 2.2: Selection of installation position
Fig. 2.3: Selecting Software Version
Fig. 2.4: Select Create Start Menu Folder
Fig. 2.5: Ready for Installation
Fig. 2.6: Installation
Fig. 2.7: Installation Complete
First Open OXYGEN Software: The software is in the trial state at the beginning. In this state, the software can try out various function options But the storage time is limited to five minutes In addition, the Oxygen data file data browsing analysis and post-processing can be opened in this inactive state.
The authorization code of the software is only used to limit data collection. The activation code can be activated in the system information option (refer to Figure 2.8) The activation code is a document with a LIC suffix provided by DVC.
Fig. 2.8: Installing Activation Codes
Note: The activation code cannot span the large version, and the 5.0 activation code cannot be 6.0 or above. After installing the activation code, you can view the activation code in the system information
Fig. 2.9: System Information