TRION (3) - 18xx MULTl technical indicators |
Input Type | Voltage
electric current
MSI | range | Supported Sensors |
±2 mVto±100 V Programmable |
±100mVto±10V Programmable | IEPE@ sensors |
±1 to 1000 mV/V | 4-,5-,6-wire full bridge 3-,4-,5-wire 12 bridge 2-,3-,4-wire 1% bridge 120/350/1000 Ωinternal % bridge completion |
10 Ω to 30 kQ | Potentiometer, resistance temperature detec-tion:Pt100,Pt200,Pt300,Pt500,Pt2000(2-,3-,4-wire) |
±30 mA | 4 to 20 mA sensors; loop-powered sensors |
MSI2-CH-x:500 to 50000 pC
MSI2-TH-x:various TC ranges
MSI2-LVDT | LVDT, RVDT, charge output and thermocouple sensors |
sampling rate | TRION-1820-MULTI
TRION3-1820-MULTI | 100 S/s to 2 MS/s24-bit |
TRION3-1850-MULTI | 100 S/s to 2 MS/s
>2 MS/sto 5 MS/s | 24-bit
18-bit |